If you’ve been charged with Impaired Driving Lawyer, an Impaired Driving Lawyer in Toronto is your first step to protect your rights (and your licence!).
DUI and Impaired Driving Law in Ontario is complex and technical, difficult for even some experienced Criminal Lawyers to follow and practice in. There are a number of other reasons why retaining an experienced Impaired Driving Lawyer is in your interests. In this article, a list of the important reasons is provided in order to assist you in making the decision as to whether you will retain legal counsel for your DUI charge.
Reasons to Retain an Impaired Driving Lawyer Toronto
- Evolving Law
An important reason to hire a DUI Lawyer for your case relates to how DUI evolves and shifts. A key example of this is how the Criminal Code of Canada was overhauled in 2018 as a result of Bill C-46. The Bill led to the passing of a whole new section of the Criminal Code relating to DUI law, significantly amending the offences themselves as well as the penalties for them.
- The Risk of Jail Time for Second and Subsequent Offenders
For some Criminal Code offences, you can, in theory, commit them several times and avoid a jail sentence after the re-offending. For Impaired Driving and DUI offences in Toronto, Ontario, second and subsequent offenders receive automatic minimum jail sentences. For example, on a second offence, you will receive an automatic 30 day jail sentence, even with low readings. Retaining an Impaired Driving Lawyer Toronto could help reduce the risk.
- Significant Costs Associated with an Impaired Driving Conviction
In Ontario, if you’re convicted of a DUI, including Impaired Driving, there are a number of consequences you will face besides a criminal conviction and/or jail time. Some of these include:
(1) The requirement of an ignition interlock device in your car
(2) The completion of a education program called Back on Track
(3) Insurance premium hikes or potential revocation
(4) Lengthy driving suspension or prohibitions
Retaining an Impaired Driving Lawyer in Toronto will, again, increase the odds of avoiding these outcomes, as they are experts in the field.
- Excess Blood Alcohol Charges Requiring Complex Legal Motions to Win
Impaired Driving is now broken down into two charges – Impaired Operation and Impaired Operation with Excess Blood Alcohol. The latter charge (Excess BAC) almost always involves winning by way of arguing that one or more of an accused’s constitutional (Charter) rights were violated in order to have the breathalyzer results excluded from evidence. It’s hard to imagine someone not in the field being able to spot the legal issues necessary to make these arguments. The issues are often complex and the subject of significant debate even within the legal field. An Impaired Driving Lawyer in Toronto can review your disclosure and determine what Charter issues may exist in your case.

Andrew Captan – Impaired Driving Lawyer Toronto
If you’ve been charged with Impaired Driving in Toronto, contact an experienced criminal lawyer for your best shot at winning your case. Andrew Captan – Impaired Driving Lawyer offers the following:
- Over 12 years of exclusive practice in criminal defence and DUI law
- Hands on work on each case, without delegating the crucial work to a junior lawyer
- Success in defending DUI cases, which has attracted other criminal lawyers to use his services to assist in defending their cases
- Payment plans
- An honest approach to each case, where you will receive an clear understandings of the strengths and weaknesses of your case and what the best legal option is
For more information or a free consultation, call (647) 878 – 6355, e-mail or visit his website HERE.